Monday, February 13, 2006

Olympics: the artistry, the passion, and the wackiness begins

Great weekend by the way! The Olympics are one of my fave things to watch and are always inspiring, in spirit and design. The opening ceremonies had their moments of bizarreness (Yoko Ono?! Racecars?!), but I loved the part with all the alpen countries represented (alphorns ho!) and the crazy mountain dresses in the parade of nations. Elicia had fun trying to figure out how they were made, and I was impressed that not just one but at least sixty of them had to be sewn.

But Germany, what were you thinking?! Your flag has one of the coolest color combos of all time, and your jackets are lime green and orange?! You clash with your flag for crying out loud; I can't even begin to wrap my mind around the design concept there. Head hurting. But some countries looked quite awesome. The Swiss looked fine but nothing will ever be as good as the silver coats they wore in Salt Lake City; those were hotness on a stick.

I am so excited Harry Potter Swiss boy is back, love that the flying Tomato got a gold medal, and am sobbing that I will not get to see Michelle Kwan skate one last time. Gold Schmold, I love you anyway Michelle! I will have to root for Irina instead; I really really like her and all the American skaters are just meh to me. Yes, I will be a total American traitor this year when it comes to women's figure skating. But in almost everything else I am 100% loyal (except I am rooting for Switz, Germany, and Japan with an almost equal zeal.)

And Apolo, your almost missing a qualifying round and getting forcibly held back from jumping onto the rink by the officials just made my Sunday night. I wish you luck, though the Korean guy is hot with his J-Pop hair, so I'm somewhat torn between the two of you.

Man, I love the Olympics. For more reasons than I should.


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Lizzabell said...

Okay, I read here that the German outfits were to pay tribute to the host counry of Italy, and were green, red, and white. Which I actually find to be a very sweet gesture. But I still stand by my initial statement that the hues are appalling when seen together.

At 5:09 PM, Blogger Paul said...

I love the Olympic, too. Can you draw a flying tomato on a snowboard?

At 9:51 AM, Blogger Lizzabell said...

Hmmm, intriguing idea. I think Shaun White's looks would lend themselves quite well to a cartoon character, now that I think about it. He almost has a Shaggy-esque vibe going. But I don't know if I have the time or skills to pull that off, so I will pass for now and see if anyone else makes one.


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