Thursday, April 20, 2006

Blogging is Crack: An Outsider's Perspective

It is frightening how similar I am to this woman—minus the fact that I have zero fanbase while apparently she is raking in the love, and minus the fact she wants to be a serious novelist and I don't. (Well, a visual novelist anyway, but that's not quite the same thing.)

I mean, I could write the greatest, most insightful blog entries in the world, but until I get a story scripted, boarded, and finished, can I truly consider myself a manga artist? A wannabe maybe, but not the real thing IMO. I mean, if I can get blogs up, surely I can get Elicia and I together and start making manga, right? I want to say yes, but the sad truth is that until Elicia's semester is over, I am at the mercy of her fickle mood swings and her ever-changing class priorities. Maybe that's why I am jumping on the t-shirt store thing; it is the one thing besides sketching and research that I can do on my own.

All this introspection really stems from running into an old anthropology professor of mine today. We ended our conversation talking about how it is bad to get comfortable in your work. Apparently, even though his wife, who I also know and love, is in a prestigious job and is busy and enjoys it, she is also fielding job positions in other places and possible career moves. Whereas I don't even have my professional portfolio up and running online, which in my field is like the minimum you do to promote yourself. I have gotten complacent and comfortable, which concerns my prof, and me as well. (Though I did run into an old graphics prof yesterday, and I might line up another teaching job through him, as well as opportunities to go on art trips to New York and Europe. So, I'm not a completely lazy artist I guess, but still I need to be vigilant in my own artistic progression.)

Anyway, I just wanted to post an interesting article that gave me pause this evening on my goals and current procrastinating behaviors. Not a funny or informative post, but nevertheless an important thing to think about.


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