Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again. . .

Hi out there in the blog world! Sorry to not post anything in forever, but I'm back now! Did anyone miss me?!

:: cricket ::

:: cricket ::

Um, yeah it's been forever since I last posted anything, I know. Not that anyone reads this besides me, but I'm sure if you were you've all left by now. My fault completely. Plus the most aggravating thing is, there is lots to post about, so I feel super behind. Grr.

Lots of stuff happened since my last post to distract me from this blog and my DA page and the AB's. Work and freelancing were huge culprits of course, as is being off of my ADD meds because of the side effects. But I also got sucked into Facebook by a close friend, and have been putting a lot of posts and links there. Instead of posting something here on my breaks, I'd go post and/or waste my time there instead. Getting hyperfocused on a new, shiny thing is definitely an ADD tendency I have in spades, neh? Obsessing over one thing for a while, then moving on to the next; very very common, especially with no meds to temper that tendency. But it's not just people with ADD that do this, of course; I'd read somewhere that the majority of blogs suffer this problem; start strong at first but then the blogger tapers out, burns out, whatever, and the blog is abandoned.

However, the nice thing about moving on to something new after this blog is that I realized how much I DID miss blogging here and how important this blog really is for me; having all my artistic thoughts, resources, milestones in one convenient place is nice. And however fun Facebook is, it is still just one side of me that I present, and doesn't cover everything aboout me, particularly the side of me I show at this blog. Especially with old friends and acquaintances, I am still very much in the closet about just how much I love anime, manga, comics, etc. I don't know why, but I am, so none of that side of me is really revealed there at all, and is dying for a place to come out. I think part of it has less to do with the worry of being labeled an otaku or weeaboo whatever it is I am and more to do with the big goal that loving those things is leading up to: wanting to be a storyteller myself. I'm too scared to admit that to the everyday people I know; it's still too precious a dream for me, I think, and because of that I'm reluctant to hold it out so publicly for whatever ridicule (or praise) people might might want to heap upon it. (For crying out loud, I only told my best friend about this within the past six months; I'm just going to announce it on a page that random people I know have access to? Don't think so.) So to summarize, Facebook or any other web thing I might jump on can never replace for me the importance of this blog, or my DA account (which has also been neglected, bah.) So trust me, however often or little I post here, there will ALWAYS be posts here as long as I'm still working towards my goal and have new things to tell about that journey. So basically forever. =)

Gah, now to get updated on all the important posts I've neglected in that time! So much to talk about! But I'm excited to get them recorded here and out of my brain. So if anyone is still hanging around this blog, look forward to many posts soon.