Friday, August 24, 2007

iHack: Freeing the iPhone from its AT&T Prison, One Person at a Time

Ha! This kid (working with others) has figured out how to break into the iPhone and free it from being restricted to AT&T. Good for him, though I'd never be able to do it in a million years. He breaks down the process on his blog; it invlolves soldering, energy drinks, freaking out, software I've never heard of, and jargon I've never heard before. Like I said, not for a mere mortal such as myself to attempt.

He is selling it on EBay, smart boy; as I am typing this the bid has reached 10,000, oh my! I think his college bills will be a little bit lighter, ne? I took some screenshots of the auction, in case it closes before you read this, and will post them eventually. I liked that he described neuroscience, his chosen major, as "hacking the brain." If major breakthroughs in understanding the brain come from him, I will not be shocked; the boy has shown he can be dedicated, patient, and extremely intelligent.

I don't think I ever talked about the iPhone, did I? Shame on me. Of course I was ecstatic when it came out, and watched the reactions closely. The TWiT people have lots of good podcasts on the subject, which I've been listening to. I want one, and do have AT&T, but SO cannot afford one at he moment. Besides, I've never been one to rush out and buy the latest new thing, Apple fangirl or no. I'm eagerly awaiting the 2nd/3rd generation; that is when I will pounce. =) Until then, am happy such a phone (and someone obsessed enough to unlock its secrets for us) is in the world. How wonderful, ne?

>>> UPDATE 3:50 p.m.: Wow, fast update! A group has figured out how to unlock the phone with software only. Wonder how much they will be charging for the service on their site. Alert your friends across the pond. =)

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