Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Apologies for Spelling

I just want to say how disgraced I feel that I am not a better spellchecker on this blog, and I apologize for that. I am actually a very good speller in real life—that was always an area in school in which I excelled—but I am a horrible typer. And since this is only a blog that I do in my spare time and since the posts I do write here are fast and furious, I don't review them as closely as I should. And for obvious reasons I have no beta or editor to check what I've written. I do use the spellchecker button a lot more often now, but sometimes I forget to do that before I post. So to anyone reading this blog, I am quite aware that the spelling in my posts often borders on the atrocious, and I ask you to focus more on the spirit of the posts rather than the actual mechanics. I hopefully will get around to spellchecking my previous posts, but they are starting to pile up now so that may never happen. I feel like this post is a moot point, since I'm pretty sure that very few people actually read this blog and even fewer read it more than once, but I feel so much better now that I have gotten that out. So thanks for anyone reading this, for putting up with my bad spelling.

(Actually, I am quite impressed at myself for allowing the bad spelling to exist in the first place, since I'm usually such a perfectionist when it comes to my work. I'm quite surprised at myself, but in a good way.)

Oh, and Happy Valentines Day everyone! My mom got me a lovely glass vase, very rectangular and simple, filled with small daffodils (my fave flower.) It is so nice! I forgot to bring it to work but since there is a dusting of snow that might be for the best anyway—I wouldn't want to fall while carrying glass around. I don't have a date lined up but plan on watching the Olympics, writing/drawing, and hanging out with friends—so basically the perfect evening. =) Hope you guys are having fun too.


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