Monday, April 24, 2006

Minding the Store: Merch up for Sale

Well, we finally did it! We got our products up Saturday evening exactly the way we want them. I am so thrilled! No sales yet, but who cares? Now we can buy the products we have been dreaming up in our heads. We just have to save up some money and they will be ours.

The hardest art about getting the merch up was that I had to familiarize myself with the specs and procedures for uploading the t-shirt images onto the site. With products I've made before, I could always give the printers an illustrator or eps file, and it got taken care of. Not so with CafePress, blast them. Luckily they had some tutorials on how to upload the images, so I was ok (I looked over the image guides, but a lot of that stuff I already knew.) I'm still worried that the products will look funny in real life, so I really want to quickly buy some just to see. But we chose direct printing for the shirts and I did the resolutions right and everything, so it should be fine.

Yesterday was a good day for my creative juices; I got three of the angstybishys' final sketches done, and thought up new bishys to draw. The next ones up will be Ed from FMA, followed by Inuyasha and Sanzo. Sanzo is just so cute I could squeal. It's been a while since I saw the series, so I was afraid that I was making him into an AB when he night not really fit that description. But then I remembered the tragic flashbacks, and Elicia reminded me of the depressed rain episode, so I knew I was safe. =) good, because I can't wait to see him finished. Again, I will only put out one AB at my Deviantart account (and a thumbnail here) a week, since that gives me a decent time frame in case I get swamped with work. So look forward to those! I'm thinking every Wednesday hopefully, and Fridays at the latest.


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