Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My Work :: Part 7: AngstyBishy Sanzo

Well, here is Sanzo, late but done.

There are so many things about him that bug me I could scream, but hopefuly no one else can see them. My sketch was great, but I didn't clearly finalize the lines. So when I went in to trace and Illustrator him, disaster; all my pretty lines got messed up somehow. Meh. But I think the week off was a good thing; I came back with fresh eyes, that immediately noticed mistakes and therefore made for a better image. Sometimes when I am stuck with unknown problems, that is the best way for me to find them, and luckily this time it worked. And I don't know if I like the color scheme, but I'm not sure how to fix that since I folowed the colors from Saiyuki. (Sigh.) And I did two versions of him in Illustrator: the one with his kimono fully on (original version) and this one, with it off and the arm gloves or whatever they are called visible. I chose this one in the end because the AB pose covers up all the defining features of his fully-clothed costume: the breastplate, the scroll, etc. At least in this version you have the arm things to help identify him. And the hair of course; the glorious iconic Sanzo hair. That was fun to raw, even if I like my sketch better. I will so redo him, but much much much later, after all the frustrations of doing him have subsided.

I think I will eventually post my original sketches of the AB guys someday on my DeviantArt account. I also plan to get the alernative version of Sanzo, decked in full kimono, up soon as well for comparison, so look out for that.


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