Friday, April 28, 2006

Host Club Anime?!!! God Does Exist and He Loves Me!!!

I am ashamed to call myself a Bisco Hatori fan. For some reason, I did not know they had made Host Club into an anime until today!!! and there are already four episodes out!!! Oh, the shame. I am a bad chicken.

I guess I assumed that if a series as beloved as Fruits Basket can become mysteriously snubbed from being animated, halfway through no less, then what chance did a series as screwbally as Host Club have? I wanted it made of course, but I didn't dare to hope. I knew the manga-on-tape or whatever the term is—where they have respectable voice actors read the chapters for distribution—had gone over very well in Japan, so the prospect for this series becoming an anime were good, but you never know. Already this summer is turning out to be one of the best ever!!!

How do I describe the opening credits? I just wanted to squee and hug all the characters, they look so cute. I love that the way the characters are drawn in the anime is so complimetnary to the original manga's style, yet refreshingly different. A perfect opening for an anime that I would love to have catch on in America. (It probably won't, but if Elfen Leid and Loveless can, then the field is wiiiiiiide open.) The look of the opening matched perfectly with the style of the manga, and I loved the opening song. I will be sad when this opening changes, unless we get an even better one, and then I will mentally hug the animators. =)

I actually love the ending credits, to my surprise. In the past, the way original manga artwork was placed in the credits (Fushugi Yugi and Saiyuki are two examples that come to mind) always looked so juvenile and made my eyes hurt. But this. . . I loved it a lot. If I made ending credits I would probably do them this way myself. Elegant and classy, and I loved the patterns. As a rule I despise most gradients, but the ones here actually worked. And I loved all the cuts, I thought they were edited well. I didn't like the ending song very much, but maybe once I see it on a TV screen I'll warm up to it.

And this person's site about the anime is very awesome; if you like Host Club (or Ouran High as per the official anime name), then you will love her site. She has a ton of screen caps up from each ep and a good ep summaries. I would love it if she keeps this up, but that is an awful lot of work. I'd better let her know of my appreciation, and I'd suggest that all you lurkers out there who also love Host Club do the same.


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