Friday, June 16, 2006

Web Design at its Crack-iest Best

First, the "crack" part of this post because it is driving me nuts:

:: Livly Island ::

Can anyone explain to me what this site does exactly? I stumbled onto it a couple of days ago, and while it is the cutest Japanese site I've seen thus far (even Sanrio's doesn't compare, gasp!), I can't read the kanji and thus am desperately confused. Is it for a game, a new amusement park, a tv show, or simply a dream conjured from the slumbering ghosts of the internet? My brain needs to know. Cute animals, though. =)

Now onto the "best" part, some of my fave places to find the best sites:

:: Webby Awards ::

The definitive place to find a celebration of all useful, beautiful, and interesting web sites. This link will take you to the hefty list of this year's choices for the Webby Awards—that's hours of fun browsing right there.

:: Favourite Web Site Awards ::

One of my design friends told me about this site, and I have loved and been beholden to her ever since. A great, great compilation of all the best Flash sites out there (for all you web novices, them's the sites with the movin' pictures); provides equal flashes of inspiration and envy in this humble web designer.

:: Flashkit ::

One of the best places to find Flash help on the web. When I run into problems with Actionscript code I always turn here first. Short of a personal programmer (man, that would be nice!), this is the place to go.


That's all for now. I haven't even started scanning in AB this week—I might post a comp today, but no promises. (It's crunch time at work and after work this week, sorry! I am but a humble slave to the work gods, who do not stand neglect. And I can't do it after work today either. How does Fred and Pseudome do this thrice and once a week, respectively? Answer: they are gods. Yes, that explains it. =))


Last comment: Is everyone excited for "Nacho Libre" this weekend? I know I am. I saw "Cars" last week and was blown away, and expect good things from Nacho too. And is it bad that I want to see "Thrice Fast Thrice Furious," or whatever it is really callled—even thought I know the lack of plot/dialogue/rounded chatacters will make me want to stab myself—just because it is set in Tokyo and because the racing looks so cool? Yes, it is bad. I shame myself and all my ancestors with my poisonous thoughts. I still plan to catch it eventually, though, on the big screen because if I'm gonna see such an awful movie I'd better at least get an awesome view of the races.

Okay, that's really all I promise!


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