Tuesday, July 18, 2006

HyWire Me Up, Baby

Okay, I'll admit that my real reason for including this is just because it is so freakin' cool I can't stand it. Watch the clip below.

Talk about sci-fi brought to life! The other hydrogen cars had fuel cells that required the hydrogen and oxygen in water to be separated by traditional means—ie coal, so not really saving the earth. If this uses a different process and is actualy fossil-fuel free as touted, that is really sweet.

I know I know, if "Who Killed the Electric Car" is to be believed this car will never, ever see the light of day. But a girl can dream can't she? This is very much the car for our generation: it drives like a game, had digital technology, and allows you to change its "skin" whenever you like. GM, I have my eye on you! Do not disappoint!

Link found via Geeks are Sexy.


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