Friday, July 21, 2006

My Work :: Part 13: AngstyBishy Princess Mononoke

Yay for finaly getting an AB up on time! I have felt like such a slacker these past few weeks; in spite of the crunch time I am facing at work right now, I really like doing these and feel bad when I miss a Friday.

Okay, enough about that. Mononoke was fun and realtively easy to sketch, since I had borrowed in on DVD and had good images to work from. I had done the sketch long ago, and it was just a matter of getting it polished to scan. But I had to make adjustments in Illustrator, and for some reason it was tough this week to make each part of her work together visually, unlike some of my previous AB's. Maybe I'm just rusty from not doing AB's regularly? But I liked how she turned out anyway. Lots of litle decisions to make during the process, like how furry to make her wolfskin and whether to include the jewel's shiny texture on her forehead, but I think everything worked out for the best.

I'm so proud to finally have a female AB up! I have meant to make my drawings an equal-opportunity medium for both sexes, since angst knows no gender. But there are admittedly fewer women in anime and manga, for whatever reason. I plan to eventually get up such female bishies as Soi Fon and Rukia from Bleach, Asuka from NGE, Juuri from Utena, and maybe even Buttercup from PPG, to name the ones on my list so far. I'll have to scour the anime world for more, but there are surely enough out there that I can't imagine the AB females being grossly outnumbered by the males.


On a side note, Elicia is now in London, and I miss her tons. Though I have managed to get her files from work to evaluate, proving that even from across the pond she can still assist her nee-chan. And because of her absence I am back to drawing nearly every day (not because she is gone so I am free to draw, but because she asked me to do this before she left. I sketch each night before going to bed and am beginning to remember how much fun sketching can be. Just practicing poses and proportions for now, but might try sketches of potential character designs for our stories soon.)

Her Sasuke doll is touring the sites with her and while looking jetlagged and grumpy, is very photogenic. But apparently on the tube today returning to the dorms she lost the pink nalgene bottle I gave her, which she was very unhappy at doing. Those crazy tubes; hopefully someone will be nice and turn it in.

Whitney from the Candy is at Comic-Con. And here I thought the 41,000 at Anime Expo was mind-boggling; they are expecting over 100,000 people at the C-C. Yikes! Sounds cool but do not plan on attending it any time in the near future, though would love to see all the Losties there.

Am brainstorming my next t-shirt designs, next AB's, and of course all my work projects whose deadlines are fast approaching. Not going to work on Monday, so unless post from friend's house will not post more stuff till Tuesday at the earliest.


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