Friday, August 25, 2006

Very Not-So-Good-Things

Wow, lots of disappointments this week.

:: Pluto is No Longer a Planet ::

Not only does this mess up every space exhibit, science textbook, and "My Very Educated Mother..." pneumonic device worldwide, it is just very sad, as I always did like Pluto. But it has been classified as a minor planet instead, as will be the new celestial bodies of Xena, Ceres, and Charon. Don't know if I will ever truly give up thinking of Pluto as a planet, but I have consolation in the fact that Holst never got to write a sympony about the ninth planet, so therefore it was always of less prominence anyway. (The fact that Pluto didn't have the good sense to be discovered before his death makes no difference, it is not Holst's fault.) =) Though I bet if he had written a symphony about it, it would have been divine.

:: The Sad State of Strong Women in Love in Movies ::

I thought this was an interesting analysis by Time Magazine of the stereotypical roles currently being written for men and women on the silver screen. While I don't agree that that the antidote for the sad state of movie romance is to write more roles in which women must be saved by a good man to be happy (though it worked in Bridget Jones), or that witty banter is outdated, I do think a good point is made, that there is an overabundance of lovable male losers/slackers in movies and that more positive roles for men are in dire need. At least if Hollywood wants women like me (18-35, single, educated, moderate, middle-class white female) in the movie-house seats in the future (though my demographic is one they probably could care less about, to be honest.)

:: Ronald McHummer: Here's Your Sign, McDonalds, amd I Mean This Literally ::

It was bound to happen: A fast-food restaurant is giving away Hummers as a prize. I'll admit I expected something like this to come from a chain like Burger King instead, since they seem less apologetic about their fatty menu and make the creepy-odd commercials, but no, McDonalds takes the prize for asinine give-away of the year. But the good thing about this is that it inspired someone with tech experience to create a program with which we can make and send our own McDonalds billboards. If anyone has a good phrase they put on their sign I'd love to see it. I want to send signs to all my friends now.

:: Summer's End ::

School will soon be starting up again, so I guess it is officialy the last days of summer. Since I work year-round it is not such a travesty, but it means I will have a lot more student-oriented work and legislature stuff to look forward to piling up on my desk. However, I got a lot of the TV shows watched that I wanted to see over the summer, so that is excellent. Will do a post on all the media stuff that is inspiring me later.

:: No AB on Friday ::

Lastly, did not get AB up today because of work stuff. I said I would die trying; as work has almost killed me this week, I can honeslty say my threat almost came true. But I am coming in to work tomorrow to work on a new freelance job doing color palettes, and I plan on taking a break during the day to do an AB. So look for it tomorrow!


I found this just in time for the mindless weekend web surfing: a list of the "25 sites we can't live without" from Time Magazine. And on the list are both Blogger and Flickr! V. cool. A lot of the sites I already frequent with love are there, with plenty of new ones to check out as well. Just thought I'd spread the love.

Speaking of Blogger, some stupid politician called my work number this week trying to win my vote. Would have been completely uninteresting, except I noted that the address of the blog she listed in her call had "blogspot" in it, meaning her blog is on Blogger! So that was cool, even if automated calling machines are not.


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