Saturday, October 28, 2006

My Work :: Part 20: AngstyBishy Roxas and Connage

Yosh! Like I said in my DA comments, the AB this week is a wee bit late, but I hope I'm forgiven. He was a cutie but a toughie! And I'm stil sick too; I'm very proud.

Okay, on to the goods: this AB was an overdue request by a couple of people, espesh Trish, and I was fast running out of excuses. The biggest one still left is that I have yet to play Kingdom Hearts 2, as we are still not finished with KH1 and I refuse to buy/play it 'till we have, out of principle. (We aren't much for gaming, if you haven't guessed, but we do love the KH'ses, yes we do. That and DDR are the only PS2 games we have; is that lame?)

Anyway, what I am trying to get at is that I couldn't accurately judge for myself just how angsty the Roxas truly is, which I hate, and also what costume he angsts out the most in. But I trust my friends so I decided to do him anyway, after a little research.

Everyone loves/cosplays his black Neo coat, but let's face it, in the AB style that would be freakishly boring to draw, ne? Solid black costumes I am avoiding at all costs. So I decided to do his much more colorful and interesting costume when he goes to the world in Sora's mind or wherever, so I chose that instead. Forgive me if the costume is actually from his post-angst mode, I can totally redo him if necessary! I've already promised Leeshee I'd redo Howl sometime in towel, goo mode, as that is when his angst reaches its peak, and who doesn't want to draw Howl shirtless? Crap, now I'm totally off-topic; that's what heppens when you (read: I) type at freakin' 2 in the a.m. Back to the post at hand, shall we?

I found a really good pic of Roxas facing front in full costume, so that and a couple of other printouts were my guide. Of course, his hair was by far the most frustrating; I redid it three times I was so frustrated. What clicked for me was remembering how I did Light's hair, taking the strands all the way to the scalp, and also by looking at pics of him from KH and wanting a more 3-D aspect to shine through. So I hope people like the hair, I really did work hard at it. It's still not perfect, but as long as people look at him and instantly recognize him as Roxas I can be satisfied, I guess. The hair was a pain to do in Illustrator as well; my tiredness plus excruciating details aren't a good mix. But I'm super glad I chose to do his fun costume; who doesn't want to get a chance to draw pseudo-chaps? All in all I think he was a fun challenge for me, but next time I'm sick I'll pick a much easier character to work on.


I talked a bit about the con we just went to at our Ello Studios blog, but I'll mention it here as well: over the next few weeks I will be posting all the notes I took at the con, especially the ones concerning drawing and making manga. (Wow, at a blog about making manga? Go fig! =) Sorry, sarcasm ending now.) So look for those posts coming here soon.

Yes, the "I Must Be Emo" song by the Hollywood Dead just came on my iTunes! Mmmm, now that's good satire. I think I'll let the song finish 'n then go to bed, FINALLY. Love Ya!


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