Friday, October 13, 2006

My Work :: Part 19: ES IST Fertig


I finally got the magazine to the printer!!!!!

I do this magazine at work, and even though it is supposed to be the main priority of me, our editor, and our photographer, other departmental things have been causing us to push its publication date back to obscene levels. But we've got it done and it is getting blue-lined as we speak! Okay, okay, so it is possible there might be a few changes, big deal. It is out of my hot little hands and hopefully the next time I hold it, will be when it is a glossy, happy, shiny little mag all ready for distribution.

The coolest thing about it is that I get to do illustrations for the articles when appropriate. Fun, huh? I really think some of them could be t-shirt worthy, if given half the chance. Here are some of the ones in this edition that I did, all in Illustrator:

:: Animal Cloning Article ::

:: Grass Gene Research ::


Because of the Magazine taking over my life after the Celebration, prepping posters and fanart for a con we are going to next week, and my inability to add more stuff to my plate, I'm not doing an AB this week or next. I will get my fanart up next week though. =) Host Club all the way, baby! Look forward to it!

And Happy Friday the 13th everybody! Ironically enough it is my grandparents' anniversary, and they were married on another Friday the 13th way back when. My grandpa had a disastrous incident with the wedding cake, but other than that it was a good day for them. They have been married 50+ years, so it can't be all that unlucky, can it? =)


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