Thursday, November 16, 2006

I'm Still Here, I Promise!

First off, I have to apologize for not updating this blog for like ever. I have been sick, and busy helping my mom with her yardwork before winter (around 5, my default bloging time), and have been overworked by crazy psychopathic clients; all of these things have made me spiral down into blogger apathy, which shames me as I love this blog, a lot. I promise to snap out of my funk and get back to my reg self ASAP.

Also, AB update: I totally did my AB last week, and early too. I chose Prince Zuko from Avatar, because a friend requested him, and had him al sketched Monday. Super early for me, ne? But I'm still not happy with his scarred eye. Even Elicia, who berates me for my perfectionism, agreed something is off and to not put him up until he is fixed. So that explains last week's. This week, I've been super sick and have not had access to my computer. So none this week. But NEXT week. . . oh yes, next week I'll stick to doing a char with easy hair and normal eyes, so something wil be up. Promise. =)


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