Friday, November 03, 2006

My Work :: Part 21: AngstyBishy Kanda

Ah, what can I say to describe the angst and bish that is Kanda Yuu? The angsiest, cockiest, jerkiest exorcist on D.Grey-Man has a special place in the AB Hall of Fame. (for those not initiated in D.Grey-Man, picture Naruto's Sasuke and Sai rolled into one person. Yup, he's that crazy. And fun to watch as a result.)

Thus, the perfect choice to do as an AB. (Besides, I wanted to pick someone simpler after the monstrosity that was Roxas' hair. =) And all-black hair and costumes are piece of cake.)

For references I used the actual manga, since there are not many good-sized original references floating out there online. And I even got colored references, so bonus. =) As hot as his later costume is, I picked Kanda's original costume because that is where I first learned to love Kanda's angst, so I'm a bit partial to it. I wasn't pleased with the exact proportions in my original sketch, but those got smoothed out fine in the Illustrator. (That usually doesn't happen; I might tweak in Illustrator if things aren't working out, but usually am satisfied before the digital steps and don't wait for doing it in Illustrator to work out problems. It worked this time, but I don't see it becoming a regular occurence. Bonus: included initial sketches for another Kanda drawing in my scraps.)

Since not having a fully satisfying sketch made me nervous, I made sure Elicia stopped by for approval before I uploading it. (Elicia's squeeing was a huge reassurance; yay!) And good thing she stopped by too: I accidentally misinterpreted one of hte sketches, and drew in two buckles; oops. Lucky for me Leeshee notices costume details like that; I fixed it quickly and no one's the wiser (um, except for you, heh.) But you can see the two buckles in my original sketch.

BTW, yay for Kanda's costume design being black but still having unique, distinctive detailing! It makes an otherwise heavily black (and potentially boring) costume cool and smexy. Another btw: I originally wanted to do Kanda in his shirtless, bandaged form when he first meets Allen, and upon realization that I couldn't as my AB has arms folded, chest completely covered, made me want to cry a little. But I got to skip the other details, so yay for me.

That's all I can think of to mention I am watching TV and talking to people at the same time, and am not giving this the contriled, 100% focused attention I usually do, so if this is conming across as scatterbrained, my apologies!!!!!!! It is not a reflection on my losing focus on the AB, just that I am a terrible media multitasker. I willl have a fully focusedm, more concise post next week, promise. And fun posts about stuff about stuf I have been meaning to talk about for ages. =)

So I'll talk to you later, after I have a brilliant weekend. All-night hanging out tonight and Royal Shakespearian actors tomorrow night? Mmmmm, fun overload is loverly, ne?.


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