Saturday, August 26, 2006

AB Travesty: Lizzabell on Damage Control

Ack! The worst possible thing has happened as far as AB is concerned. I have misplaced my entire AB folder. So all my sketches, drawings, printouts, reference images, etc. are nowhere to be found. I am currently in a state of concerned panic; where the crap did I put it?

This is what comes from traveling, having multiple bags, and using my office/library as a paper dumping ground; I am only reaping what I sew, and let me tell you it sucks. So basically my hopes to get up an AB today are totally shot. I will hunt like mad for it, but if I can't find it I don't know what I will do for an AB next week. I guess I will print off new templates and start sketching a totally new AB. Wolfram, Yamato, and Rukia will have to wait. On the plus side, it would give me an excuse to begin drawing Soi Fon or the ringlet chick from Utena. So more props to the ladies next week I guess. Pray to all that is holy and good that I will find it!


I finally ordered my Pirates of the Carribbean t-shirt! Between my "Always Take Backup" tee from Glarkware, a "Kern" zip-up from Veer (free because I bought stock photo CD, woo hoo), and now this tee from Hot Topic, I have been on a web clothes shopping spree. And I am still coveting the Shakespeare tee from Threadless that I mentioned in an earlier post, and might work up the bravura to buy it next month. (Would love to have it to wear to the big local punk show next month and see how all the emo kids react, but really cannot buy any more clothes at the moment.)

So wierd, as I never purshase clothes online. Ah well. Big sale online at Hot Topic right now by the way, for all who care about such things. My pirates shirt was $5 off!


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