Tuesday, September 05, 2006

News You Can Use...Or Ignore, Whatever

I started compiling this list last week, and added a few touches today. I'd better post it before it breaks all the posting length codes known to man.

First, the art/design/photo/tech news stuff:

:: Scream Recovered ::

Finally! It's been two long years, and rumors were that the paintings had been burned or severely damaged. Whether the museum has beefed up security enough to deserve having the paintings back is another story.

:: Newest Design Trend ::

Using black-and-white photos everywhere. Funny, I did this for a fake clothing site years ago; no wonder it still feels so fresh!

:: Illustrating the Magic of Spirograph ::

I am going to download this as soon as my computer acts sane again. A program allowing you to create spirograph-like designs in Illustrator? My heart soars.

:: The Decade's Best Flash Sites ::

One of my fave Design Blogs, Eyes on Creativity (who are respnsoble for many of the design posts this time around), brought to my attention the fact that my fave Flash web site is having a poll on the most influential flash sites of theGdecade. go check them out and vote for your fave. Or just go to check them out; each one is indeed amazing in their own way.

:: Iconic Images ::

Speaking of icons, an article about the disappearance of the 9/11 flag launched a photo gallery of some of the famous photos taken over the decades. Without looking at the captions, can you recognize them all and what they were from? There are so many more that could and shoud have been added, but it's a good group nonetheless.

:: Smithsonian American History Museum Closed for 2 Years ::

I can see the need for this, but it is still sad to deprive people of seeing the treasures preserved within for two long years. I suggest a country-wide tour of the more movable objects, but perhaps no money was procurable for such an exhibit? Such a shame, I would have so gone it it had toured close by. The link is to the Smithsonian's news about the closing, by the way, so is by far the most accurate and even has an FAQ section.

:: Yes Virginia, the Camera Does Indeed Lie: Photoshopping Katie Couric ::

story amuses me way more than it should, mainly because anyone who doesn't know by now or is shocked about the stealthy use of Photoshop by everyone (including me!) to spruce up people in photos ought to be shot. I guess any publicity is good though. The second link has before and after photos.

:: iTunes: Good or Bad for Music? ::

TWiT had a discussion on this a while back, but this article interested me so much I thought I'd bring back the debate. Personally, I listen to so much new and old stuff, that hiking the price of new songs but lowering that of old ones wouldn't benefit me at all. And no, I don't think that iTunes has hurt artists at all; the industry has done their fair share already. I love that Steve Jobs has so much clout against the music moguls, and liked learning that they really don't make a profit from the store after all: most of the money goes to the overhead and, I believe, the artists. The way life should be.

:: iPod Nano + Nike Sport Kit = My Next Apple Love: Exercise I'd Actually Like to Do! ::

I so want this for my exercise routine, which is currently non-existant but would be better if I had such electronic ambrosia to sustain me. A device that uses your trust iPod to track your every step, calories burned, and gives encouragement from Lance Armstrong, then plugs into your computer and helps you track your progress? Brilliant. You are supposed to buy specific Nike shoes that are custom designed for inserting the device, but lots of people are saying that you can either buy a pouch from a knock-off company or just slip it into the tongue of your current running shoe du jour. Now all I need is an iPod Nano to make this a practical purchase. . . This article sums up the features and gives a full breakdown on the cost and tech needs for the kit to work.

:: Alan Moore's New Project ::

I love the concept of his newest venture, but did he have to make it so graphic? The idea of viewing the sexcapades of Literature's most famous little girls—Wendy, Dorothy, and Alice—makes me nauseous, not intrigued.

Phew! Now onto entertainment news.

:: Lost on a Beach ::

Lost comes out today on DVD!!! Would rush out and buy except for two factors: I spent al my DVD money forthe month on Veronica Mars Season 2, which I hadn't seen and needed to catch up on before the new season begins this month. Next, I was was burned last year, rushing out and buying the DVD, only to learn that Best Buy released a bonus DVD with the set. I am holding off buying it just in case the same thing happens again, thank you very much.

anyway, My Lost link of the day is courtesy of the Candy, and is of some zealous fans crashing the set and snapping pics with pride.

And finally, as is the way of the word, entertainment news on a birth and a death.

:: Princess Kiko to give Birth Tomorrow ::

How exciting, that tomorrow will exist a possible heir to the Japanese royal throne! It will be by c-section, and rumors have been flying that it is definitely a boy. Though I am on the side that feels that the law should be changed to allow royal females like Princess Aiko (who is such a cutie!) to ascend if no male heir is born. And apparently most of Japan agrees with me.

:: Steve Irwin's Death ::

It is so interesting to me that the death of such a bizarre, lovable, passionate naturalist as Steve Irwin can elicit the same feelings as heads of state like JFK or Princess Di. It's a reflection I think on how much the world, especially us younger members of it, were touched by all the work he did to educate the public about the world's dangerous yet fascinating animals. I have links to a Yahoo site with numerous links on the story, the Wiki site on Steve Irwin (already updated of course), and a link to the Croc Hunter site and a tribute in his honor.


All for now. My computer is, for the first time in it beautiful life span , acting nuts. I think it is a font problem. So on Friday and today I couldn't work on AB, CafePress files, work files, or freelance projects as a result. Be patient, and I will try to get everything fixed and happy ASAP.

My computer is giving FontAgent Pro and virex errors, and refuses to open my Adobe programs, citing a Library error. Is this because they are connected to the fonts? Anyone have any suggestions? I have been burning copies of my files like mad, in case it crashes. While it doesn't seem like that is likely, I'd rather be safe than sorry.


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